two great weddings this weekend
Great Wedding Weekend
Well it was nt just Will and Kate getting married this weekend . I had two great weddings aswell .Photographer (c) Stockholm weddings
Great Wedding Weekend
Well it was nt just Will and Kate getting married this weekend . I had two great weddings aswell .Photographer (c) Stockholm weddings
Ekerö kyrka Magnus and Camilla ‘s wedding grew and grew . When I met them in Danderyd earlier in the year , it was just a small wedding with a few friends . I gave them lots of ideas and inspiration for their wedding . Camilla mailed me on Monday ‘ var det “lilla bröllopet” tog vägen, så var det tack vare din inspiration som bröllopet antog en mer tilltagen inspiration. Tack för din insats! ‘ translated roughly “the small wedding“ took the road, it was thanks to your inspiration as the wedding adopted a more inspirational, Thank you for your contribution! ‘ Thank you Magnus and Camilla .
bröllop ekerö - wedding
Ekerö kyrka Magnus och Camilla ‘s bröllop växte och växte. När jag träffade dem i Danderyd tidigare i år var det bara ett litet bröllop med några vänner. Jag gav dem massor av idéer och inspiration för deras bröllop. Camilla postade mig på måndag “var DET” Lilla Bröllopet “Tog vägen, sa var DET tack Vara DIN inspiration SOM Bröllopet antog en mer tilltagen inspiration. Please för DIN Insats mera “Översatt ungefär” den lilla bröllopet “tog vägen, det var tack vare din inspiration bröllopet antagit en mer inspirerande Tack för ditt bidrag! “Tack Magnus och Camilla.
Eckerö kyrka
My last wedding was with Mats . Without doubt Mats is the cooliest priest and at over 6 foot , even premiership footballers and NHL icehockey stars have listened to him . I remember a few years back a footballer saying to me ‘ I never listen to what they have to say .. but I listened to everyword Mats said ‘ I first bumped into Mats at Ulricsdahl church , at the time I was looking for a Grand Cherokee Jeep . Parked right next to the church was this killer looking Jeep … all blacked out, big wheels , sunroof the lot .When i asked the warden’s he said ‘Its the priests ‘ I recommend Mats a lot for weddings in Stockholm . So last weekends wedding was a little different for him , he was marrying an old friend, his doctor Magnus and Camilla . Mats confessed its the first time he has hold the brud bouquet.
Fotografiska Inspiration and Edinburgh
Wednesday started as an inspiration day before travelling to Edinburgh the birthplace of Scottish photographer Albert Watson has always been an amazing photographer he has, during his career, photographed well over 200 covers for magazines such as Vogue . He recently counted him among the 20 most important photographers of all time. Albert Watson photos will be presented March 25 – June 12, 2011. Every time I go to Fotografiska I alway think it will be a perfect venue for a Stockholm wedding …coola ställen att gifta sej
Top award at Högberga Gård Wedding Bröllop Yesterday I found out that I was placed first in PDN’s contest . The photo had already been awarded twice, but this is the big one . It was for a photo that I took at Högberga Gård Lidingö last year . So thanks Darja, Dan and everyone at Högberga Gård who ran out with umbrellas … when this London rain came in at seconds notice .
award winning photo at Högberga Gård
Top priset på Högberga Gård Bröllop Bröllop Igår fick jag reda på att jag var placerad först i PDN tävling. Fotot hade redan fått två gånger, men detta är den stora. Det var för ett foto som jag tog på Högberga Gård Lidingö förra året. Så tack Darja, Dan och alla på Högberga Gård som sprang ut med paraplyer … när denna London regnet kom in på sekunder varsel.