Bröllopsfotograf Wedding Photographer Stockholm | photography
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bröllopsskor och Grand Hotel Stockholm Bröllop

Grand Hotel Stockholm Richard and Anna wedding this weekend in Stockholm at the Grand Hotel was very very special … an incredible fall day warm with the sun shining , the colors just glowed, the day was followed by a magical sunset and perfect day for photography. Stockholm weddings are special this was a special one on a special day. Before I forget a special pair of Valentino wedding shoes or fantastiska bröllopsskor.

brllops-skor-stockholmhotel stockholm wedding

Grand Hotel Stockholm Richard och Anna bröllop i helgen i Stockholm på Grand Hotel var mycket mycket speciell … en otrolig höstdag varm med solen skinande, färgerna bara lyste, var dagen följdes av en magisk solnedgång och perfekt dag för fotografering. Stockholm bröllop är speciella här var en speciell på en särskild dag. Innan jag glömmer ett speciellt par Valentino bröllop skor eller Fantastiska bröllopsskor.

Wedding Day Expression

Wedding day expressions I always love to capture, its one of the most rewarding parts of being a wedding photographer to tell the story of the wedding day, from nerves and tears to smiles and laughter, real photojournalist can create stunning pictures and turn them into works of artbaby-and-the-bride the two expressions the baby and the bride and the family resemblancegetting-readymother of the bride ..and Louise takes a deep breath the-look I titled this photo ‘the look’ their mirrored expressions are there were plenty of plastic cameras at this wedding Holga , fish eye, here a guest attempts to photograph , he realised seconds later the film in the camera was nt forwarding on .young-wedding-photographer it appeared all the kids had cameras also the pageboy eagerly awaits his what bridesmaid wouldnt want to see bubbles.
I will make this a regular feature here photojournalistic reportage photographs for my weddings in stockholm