Best of Stockholm weddings
The best of Stockholm weddings. My daughter Elle told me over the weekend she loved my wedding montages that i used to do and I should do them more … shes right I should.

Stockholm Wedding Photographer
The best of Stockholm weddings. My daughter Elle told me over the weekend she loved my wedding montages that i used to do and I should do them more … shes right I should.
Stockholm Wedding Photographer
Love My Dress Love My Dress is a Style Diary related to weddings, art and fashion. There is aspiration to inspire Featuring real weddings to inspire couples getting married here or in Stockholm, Love my Dress especially helps those with a glamorous/vintage thoughts they profile independent fashion designers; publish fabulous ideas and tips relating to weddings, fashion and style, with a touch of art and culture thrown in they showcase amazing and inspirational photography. So i was extremly happy they would so so of my work here from Stockholm Weddings.
Inspirerande Vintage Bröllopsfotografier
Stockholm weddings got some great news this week 3 more photos received awards in winter wedding photographers competition. I will let the photos do all the talking. The image below was taken at the Modern Musuem a great wedding venue in Stockholm.
Bröllops trenderna | Trends for 2010
With all the new technology in the world of weddings, from Twitter to Facebook engagement announcements, the biggest trend is a to the past: ’50s-inspired glamour. In my earlier posts I had mentioned this Retro weddings. So couples getting married are looking to mix this vintage wedding trend with their own personality.
‘Homespun Chic’ is the word “Many of the year’s top wedding trends reflect an obsession with the sophistication of the40s, 50s and ’60s photographs from my retro wedding wedding
Also look for quirky surprises, inspired by couple’s unique personality, or of-the-moment pop-culture crazes.
1 The 1980s are back in a huge way, weddings are not immune. 1980s prom music will be huge at fashion-forward receptions and parties
2 Its all Avatar, the 3-D craze will also be hitting the wedding scene with 3-D save-the-dates, menus and more. Save the date crossword puzzle-styles video announcements, and special performances
3 Inspired by the hit show, Glee, couples are taking their first dance to a whole new level by opting for a “mash-up” (or medley) of songs instead of a single one
4 High-top trainers peeking out from under his tuxedo. A glimpse of a pink petticoat under the hemline of her dress! bright-green socks for the groom and bright-green shoes for the bride! Couples are really showing color and their individuality, underneath it all.
5 Forget the sparklers, confetti canons and hot air balloon sendoffs will be all the rage.
6 Here comes the bride, look for interesting entrances from the bridal party after this years youtube hit video.
Stockholm weddings have all been great this year, but now this is the time to find my faves of the year, I always do this over the christmas period. I will look through all wedding portraits of brides and grooms, reportage photos, great details and pages from albums, to choose the best.