Stockholm Weddings artistic photography just took a new turn, I was just sent an amazing link that turns text into art , here is Stockholm Weddings .
Stockholm Weddings Art
ISPWP Wedding Photography Contest Winners Fall 2009
Im happy to say I had one first place and two others placed, one of the weddings from the Stockholm’s Grand Hotel
ISPWP is the International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers an organization of the best wedding photographers in the world. It was created to raise the standards of the wedding photography profession.
I was accepted as a member of the ISPWP a few months ago I entered photograph’s in different categories.Im really happy to have my work honoured by such a great group of photographers.
Ist Place in getting ready
Wedding Grand Hotel Stockholm
Stockholm Weddings Recommendation this week goes to Danderyd Blomsterhandel .The last two weddings I photographed here both were Danderyd Blomsterhandel work I have known Anna and Lasse really from the moment I started photographing weddings in Sweden. Their work has appeared countless fashion and wedding magazines They are both artists when it comes to flowers delivering flowers to the most prestigous establishments in Stockholm. Anyone getting married in Stockholm or the north of town check them out .
Bröllop brudbukett
Stockholm Bröllop rekommendation här veckan går till Danderyds Blomsterhandel. De sista två bröllop jag fotograferade här båda var Danderyds Blomsterhandel arbete jag har känt Anna och Lasse verkligen från den stund jag började fotografera bröllop i Sverige. Deras arbete har publicerats otaliga mode och tidningar bröllop De är båda konstnärer när det gäller blommor leverera blommor till de mest prestigefyllda anläggningar i Stockholm.
Den som gifter sig i Stockholm eller norr om staden kolla upp dem.
Contact Danderyd Blomsterhandel here …
Brudbuketter Blommor för bröllop -inspirationsbilder
Stockholm weddings always have a modern feel to them. The couple were amazing trusting me to photograph their wedding. As a wedding photographer I have always loved backlight here in these wedding photos I have shown how to use it.