bröllop in UK Brides
Great news this morning in the latest issue of Brides UK I have a wedding featured.
Great news this morning in the latest issue of Brides UK I have a wedding featured.
coffee table book season
I love this time of the year , the weather in Stockholm is always a little cold and a bit of snow always helps weddings. But now its coffee table book season . The books come from Japan so take a while to get here , but are certainly worth the wait Camilla Lackberg and Martin Melins book just arrived I just received a lovely note from Camilla
We have looked through all the pictures now and theyre wonderful! So happy we went for the best photographer! 😉
/The Melins.
just a walk in the park
Saturdays wedding really became a real walk in the park Mimi and Ignacio were just so relaxed all day long . A wedding with many international guests visiting the city. It became an all day celebration for the wedding couple getting married and myself… it was my birthday.
Grand Hotel Stockholm Richard and Anna wedding this weekend in Stockholm at the Grand Hotel was very very special … an incredible fall day warm with the sun shining , the colors just glowed, the day was followed by a magical sunset and perfect day for photography. Stockholm weddings are special this was a special one on a special day. Before I forget a special pair of Valentino wedding shoes or fantastiska bröllopsskor.
Grand Hotel Stockholm Richard och Anna bröllop i helgen i Stockholm på Grand Hotel var mycket mycket speciell … en otrolig höstdag varm med solen skinande, färgerna bara lyste, var dagen följdes av en magisk solnedgång och perfekt dag för fotografering. Stockholm bröllop är speciella här var en speciell på en särskild dag. Innan jag glömmer ett speciellt par Valentino bröllop skor eller Fantastiska bröllopsskor.
I just love wordies my daily newspaper always uses wordies for the latest news so here are Stockholm Wedding photographers photos
''photographer stockholm''
wedding photographer stockholm bröllop fotograf sweden photographer in sweden portrait gallery reportage style destination weddings fashion celebrity contact Getting married in Stockholm Sweden Swedish wedding planners, co ordinators, bröllopsarrangemang. bröllop bröllopsfotograf Getting married in Sweden plan Lund, Gothenberg, Uppsala Ostersund winter cold north Ice Hotel swedish customs tips in exclusive venues, vacker festlokal, churches,chapels, kyrka, locations, details, flowers, bouquets, cake caterers Stockholms dress shops fashionable hotels, juvelerare, jeweller wedding rings bespoke best ideas tips wedding music songs photographing weddings. Gifta sig i Stockholm