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Bröllopsfotograf Wedding Photographer Stockholm |
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borgerlig vigsel stadshuset stockholm

Borgerlig Vigsel Stadshuset Stockholm

Borgerlig vigselceremoni. Den borgerliga vigselakten kan hållas i stadshuset där du bor. I Stockholm kan ni gifta er borgerligt. En vigsel i Stadshuset kostar 800 kronor, de populäraste platserna, vigselförrättarna och datumen fylls snabbt. En borgerlig vigsel är en ceremoni helt utan religiösa inslag. Vigseln hålls av vigselförrättare som är utsedda av Länsstyrelsen. Två vittnen krävs,Glöm inte att två vittnen skall närvara vid vigseln. Vill ni viga er i hemlighet eller inte ha med er gäster till vigseln kan det kommunala vigsel kontoret tillhandahålla vittnen vid vigslar i Stadshuset, eller i det kommunala vigselrummet.

Vem är vigselförrättare i Stockholm. Vill ni gifta er i en festlokal, på en restaurang eller kanske utomhus? Kontakta en vigselförrättare för att boka en privat vigsel.

Ofta har man dekorerat med ljus och blomsterbukett. Själva ceremonin kan ni i princip genomföra vart ni vill, ute eller inne, på en vacker plats som betyder något för er båda.

Stockholm Weddings

borgerlig vigsel

stadshuset stockholm bröllop

Bröllopsfotograf Stockholm

wedding venues 360

360 wedding venues stockholm

Stockholm Wedding Venues

See Inside some of Stockholm’s wedding venues and a few more from around the world in 360. See how your wedding venue will look on a wedding day.

Featured here we have Studio Watz, Beatelund, Bogesunds Slott, and the new Djursholm Country Club Villa Pauli, also you can see an amazing venue on the Swedish island of Gotland.

To see all our recommended Stockholm Wedding Venues  Click on this Link Here   Venues in Stockholm

To ask me questions hit the CONTACT US  button and I will come back to you directly.

wedding venues 360


Bröllopsfotograf Stockholm



  • reportage stockholm
  • Konstnärshuset bröllop
  • bröllopsbilder
  • stockholm wedding photographers
  • wedding photographer stockholm
  • wedding stockholm

Stockholm Wedding Photographers Photo Series

Stockholm Wedding Photographers Photo Wedding Moment Series

This is a gallery please feel free to click on the small arrows to see the wedding photos at your own speed. Otherwise, the gallery settings will take over.

The Stockholm Wedding Photographer galleries are to mark 10 years of photographing amazing weddings in Stockholm. I don’t have to explain how unique Stockholm city is, or why it is such a fantastic place to have a wedding. Stockholm has it all, just take a look at some of these amazing Stockholm Wedding Venues  A Midsummer summer wedding in June July or August we always have amazing light. Being the land of the midnight sun has its benefits.

There are only six photos in this first Stockholm Weddings Photographer gallery, look in our blog to see a few more.




mamma mia abba

Mamma Mia Bröllop Stockholm

Mamma Mia Bröllop Stockholm

Wow-what a great moment in the church a Mamma Mia wedding. I had met the couple and knew exactly what they were about to do. As did 20 of the wedding guests that spontaneously starting singing and dancing. The wedding ceremony in Stockholm totally blew me away. The bride and groom sang to each other, which I could see were bring tears to the wedding guests’ eyes.

As a wedding photographer, I knew I had to be very quick and I would have no control taking photos when everyone singing and dancing. I had two cameras ready with two lenses.

We planned it that the 20 weddings guest that knew what would happen were sitting on the chair edges of the aisles.

You might have thought we of headed to the Abba Museum for the wedding reception, we didn’t we headed to the south of Stockholm to a Disney Enchanted Forest.

mamma mia abba

#bröllop #stockholm #weddingphotographer #mammamia

Bröllopsfotograf Stockholm