a little pink wedding
Adam and Louise wedding over the weekend felt like first weekend of the summer. During the speech’s I heard how much Louise loved planning the wedding , and wouldnt mind becoming a wedding planner I can see why.
Adam and Louise wedding over the weekend felt like first weekend of the summer. During the speech’s I heard how much Louise loved planning the wedding , and wouldnt mind becoming a wedding planner I can see why.
Just received a nice email I have been published a new wedding magazine and been named as a dream team wedding day photographer.
Celebrity weddings not really , memories of great days in Los Angeles though , over the weekend I had a pleasant surprise, not having a wedding in Stockholm or anywhere. Its was kids and fun weekend … when checking out some trailers on itunes .. I saw a very good friend of mine Lou Herthum was in a latest release he was starring in a movie with Tommie Lee Jones In the Electric Mist. Lou I have known for many years a great dedicated actor, back in the eighties we worked at Cafe Figaro on Melrose, Los Angeles, and have been friends ever since , like myself a boxing fanatic, wow how many hours did we used to hit that heavy bag … BTW Lou I still have my same original bag .. it still has your fist imprint embedded.
Here are a few photographs from Katarina and Andrews destination wedding in Sweden
Katarina arriving about two minutes early for her wedding