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Bröllopsfotograf Wedding Photographer Stockholm | Blog
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Grand Hotel Stockholm

Wedding this weekend was at Grand hotel Stockholm over look the Royal Palace. The snow was turning slushy very fast so we opted to do our photographs there here are a few. Dan became emotional at a couple of times during the day, one time i caught the moment that shows all the passion of the moment … the other a more comical moment where the priest has seen what was happening and handed Dan a tissue. We nearly never made to the church after a slip on the stairs._grand-hotel-stockholm-bridebloopers-helpful-church-priest-at-weddingphotojournalistic-stockholm-photographyBröllops Fotograf Ian Johnson Foto   Bröllop i helgen var på Grand Hotel i Stockholm under ser det kungliga palatset. Snön vände slaskiga mycket snabbt så vi valde att göra våra fotografier finns här är några. Dan blev känslomässigt på ett par gånger under dagen, en gång jag fångade det ögonblick som visar alla passion för tillfället … den andra en mer komisk stund där prästen har sett vad som hände och gav Dan en vävnad. Vi nästan aldrig gjort till kyrkan efter en halka i trappan

getting to the church on time

Yesterday I was showing a bride that is getting married in Stockholm, we spoke about getting to the church or Kyrka on time but ‘ getting to the church on time ‘ sounds better in english and of course is the words on the wedding song. I showed her these images and I remember the great wedding stories that went with them. The fave is Jimmy arriving late at his wedding at Ulricsdahl Kyrka . Leaving the church will also give you great wedding photography here is one photo from a wedding in Lund

Green weddings in sweden

Green Weddings in Sweden
When it comes to eco-friendly weddings, stockholm brides have the world at their fingertips. With the one of the largest fresh water coastline in the world, and a seemingly unlimited supply of locally grown products, Swedens natural splendor provides plenty of opportunity for the environmentally conscious bride to show her true color – green!
Ian Johnson Photo will help brides select the absolute best green products and environmentally responsible wedding vendors – from organic flowers and centerpieces to recycled invitations, your guests will be amazed at just how elegant a green wedding can be.
Even wedding fashion can be environmentally friendly – have your groomsmen and bridesmaids wear an outfit they’ll use beyond your wedding, and for the yourself, consider a vintage dress or a gown designed with the environment in mind.
When the party ends, your eco-friendly wedding can have a life of its own – recycling after the reception, arranging carpools for guests, and a honeymoon at an eco-resort are all great ways to do your part to help our planet. And giving trees, plants or seeds as wedding favors is a fantastic way to save the environment, while giving your guests a lasting memory of your big day.
Labels: Green weddings, Weddings in Sweden,Wedding Tips and Trends