Weddings in Sweden the survey
The Local my local newspaper has just reported on weddings in sweden
To read the full article from Peter Vinthagen Simpson click on the link below :
It reports 48,000 Swedes were married in Sweden 2009, with most swedish couples getting married footing the bill themselves, this a new report from Synovate.
Ten percent of couples splash out more than 100,000 kronor on their weddings with those living in larger cities
“The more expensive weddings are not in the majority, but in the bigger cities every fifth wedding costs more than 100,000 kronor,” said Ylva Yngveson at Swedbank in statement.
The report not mentioning wedding photographers whose work will be apart of the couples lives were not mentioned but the reception costs an average of 35,000 kronor while the rings come in at around 10,000 kronor. There
Couples invite an average of 67 guests, which I think is on the low side most of my weddings in Stockholm are 80 plus , it mentions larger receptions held by those getting married for the first time .
Many couples save for more than two or three years to pay for their wedding however 1st timers 73 percent of the couples, tend to receive the most help from parents.
The survey shows that the wedding dress bride’s parents’ help to fund, while the rings are the item selected by the couple themselves.
Surprisingly it said church weddings remain popular with two-thirds undergoing a religious ceremony , last year for me it was the reverse most opting for an outdoor ceremony at a venue.
